Gas surcharge: The most important questions and answers – Economy

The gas surcharge is coming – from October 1st. This makes the gas even more expensive for industry and consumers, at 2.4 cents per kilowatt hour. Which reliefs are most urgent now.

The gas importers are currently in an uncomfortable sandwich position: They have to buy the gas, which they normally get from Russia, at high prices on the world market. In some cases almost three times as much as before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. However, they cannot pass the higher costs on to their customers because they have long-term supply contracts.

In order to relieve the burden on importers, the gas levy is to come into effect from October. It will burden millions of German gas customers by several hundred million euros. And this despite the fact that gas prices are already rising.

Michael Bauchmüller, editor in the SZ parliamentary office, explains in the podcast why the levy is still a necessary evil – and why possible alternatives would have been even more unfair.

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