Gas prices, unnamed streets, psychological support… Everything that changes on June 1, 2024

Each start of the month brings its share of new things, good or bad. And June 1 will be no exception to the rule with, in particular, the evolution of gas prices, the end of streets without names, the arrival of Pass’sport or even the strengthening of the system My psychological support.

It smells like gas

We will start with the painful one, namely the announced increase in gas prices. There energy regulation commission (CRE) has published its benchmark sales price for natural gas, which will undergo “a slight increase in the variable part”.

Calculated on the basis of data provided by GRDF, this benchmark price including tax will increase by 1.8%, or the equivalent of 1.66 euros/MWh, for uses such as cooking, hot water and heating.

Some CBD classified as narcotics

To pass the gas pill, you will have to choose your CBD carefully. Indeed, from June 3, new cannabinoids will be classified on the list of narcotic products and, therefore, prohibited for production, consumption and sale in France.

According to the national medicines agency (ANSM), “H4-CBD, H2-CBD and certain synthetic cannabinoids” present health risks: “vomiting, loss of consciousness, coma, convulsions, paranoia, anxiety or even panic attack, high blood pressure, tachycardia or chest pain. They also have “potential for abuse and dependence.”

The streets without no, it’s over

It may seem incredible, but there are more than 200,000 streets in France that have no name. The 3DS law, adopted in 2022 and requiring all municipalities to name the smallest route, completes its implementation this Friday, with municipalities of less than 2,000 inhabitants. From June 1, no road will be without a name.

If the goal is to make the work of postmen, delivery people and emergency workers easier, this also involves some changes for residents who, in fact, will change their address.

The State helps young people get moving

There is no question of paying young people a car, no, the idea is rather to make them play sports. The government is therefore launching, from Saturday, the Pass’sport, “an aid of 50 euros which makes it possible to finance part of the sports registration”, we explain to the Ministry of Sports. Once you have chosen the activity you want to practice in one of the 85,000 partner clubs and rooms, simply scan a QR code which will automatically deduct 50 euros from the registration fee.

The Pass’sport is accessible subject to age and situation. For scholarship students up to 28 years old, for people benefiting from the disabled allowance up to 31 years old or for young people aged 6 to 18 benefiting from the back-to-school allowance.

Don’t keep it to yourself

The government and Health Insurance launched, in 2022, the “My psychological support” system. The idea being to provide adults and children over three years old with reimbursement for eight psychological support sessions per year.

This system, accessible under conditions, will become more flexible from Saturday. The number of annual sessions will increase to 12 and the reimbursement ceiling by Health Insurance will be 50 euros per session. And if it will no longer be necessary to go through your treating doctor to be referred to a psychologist, you will however have to choose a professional approved by the Health Insurance platform.

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