Gas fees on Ethereum are down 62% compared to last month.

As of November 9, 2021, 46 days ago, transaction fees on the Ethereum network have been reduced by more than half of those on that day. At that time, the average fee for ethereum transfers was $62.84 per transfer. and since then The fee was also reduced 62.85% to $23.34 per transaction.

Last month, ethereum (ETH) onchain transfers became much more expensive. And not to mention transferring ERC20 tokens, swap tokens, or interact with smart contracts. On December 25, data fromindicators showIt shows that the average fee on the Ethereum network is $22.80 or 0.0056 ETH per transaction.

Layer 2 networks are still popular.

Token swap costs users around $33.89 per transaction according to statistics from, of course the fees on Layer 2 (L2) are much lower. And the current lowest provider in terms of fees is Loopring, with $0.16 per ETH transfer, followed by Polygon Hermez ($0.25), Zksync ($0.33), Arbitrum One ($1.87), and Optimism ($2.00). To swap tokens or interact with smart contracts on Ethereum, Zksync users are $0.81, Loopring users $1.02, Optimism users $2.82, and Arbitrum users $3.22.

In addition to lower Ethereum network fees, Bitcoin (BTC) network fees are also lower today. As of late July, BTC fees are around $1.50 to $5.00 per transaction, according to

As of Saturday, Dec. 25, 2021, the average bitcoin fee (BTC) is 0.000046 BTC, which is roughly $2.36 per transaction, or 0.0000001 BTC per byte. has been down 96.24% since that day

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