Garden sieve for clean soil and compost: How to filter properly

filter system
Garden sieve for soil, sand and compost: How to remove coarse particles

Coarse particles can be separated from fine soil with a garden sieve

© Michael Garner/Getty Images

By spring at the latest, the first gardening work has to be done: from weeding to sowing new seeds to preparing the soil. The latter should be loosened, aerated and fertilized – to optimize the cultivation conditions for new plants. A garden sieve can help with this.

Depending on the manufacturer, fresh potting soil contains different components, such as compost and peat or fertilizer. This is to ensure that plants are optimally cared for during rearing. However, the nutrient content of the soil decreases with each season, so that it can only be reused to a limited extent – and first has to be treated with fresh soil or natural fertilizers. A garden sieve can be helpful to loosen up the solid components and remove coarse particles such as roots, weeds and stones. Read on to find out what that is and what to look out for before making a purchase.

What is a garden sieve?

As the name suggests, a garden sieve for distributing seeds and sifting out soil – or sand and compost. In contrast to an ordinary kitchen sieve, the meshes (ideally made of stainless steel) are significantly larger and can vary with special sieve inserts: This has the advantage that you can filter fine and coarse particles out of the soil, such as small stones or root remains. Depending on the manufacturer, there are garden sieves of different sizes, and the shape and mesh size can also vary. In the following we will present the common models in more detail.

How do the models differ?

A garden sieve is usually round or rectangular and is made of plastic or metal. So that it can be operated by hand, the sizes vary only slightly – unless you opt for a so-called pass-through sieve. These are the most common models:

1. The cylinder sieve

Whether off plastic or stainless steel, the shape is always the same: A round sieve is small and handy, so it can be easily operated by hand. There are models with interchangeable sieve inserts of different sizes – but some garden sieves only come in one mesh size. For this reason, you should consider in advance whether you want to filter soil, sand or compost.

2. The box sieve

As the name suggests, a box sieve rectangular and works the same as a round model. However, this garden sieve usually has larger meshes so that it can better filter coarse components such as stones, clods of earth and twigs. Again, there are models made of plastic or wood – with and without a sliding function to adjust the mesh size.

3. The throw-over sieve

If you have a large garden and want to sift out large amounts of soil (or compost), a pass-through sieve with a coarse or close-meshed grid is the better choice. It is significantly larger than an ordinary garden sieve and is not held with the hands, but stands on its own. Then use a shovel to throw the desired quantities through the sieve.

4. The Compost Screen

A self-contained mechanical sieve is significantly larger and more expensive to buy than the round or square garden sieve compost sieve, which is operated with a rotary spindle. As the name suggests, the primary purpose of the model is to remove foreign matter from compost soil as far as possible – so that it can then be used again.

Buying a garden sieve: tips for purchasing

Now that you have got to know different garden sieves, you should think about the following points before you buy them:

The material
As mentioned at the beginning, most garden sieves are made of plastic or stainless steel. Both materials have advantages and disadvantages: Plastic is lighter and more elastic, but it can also break more quickly. Metal, on the other hand, is heavier but also more robust and durable.

Depending on the area of ​​application, a round or rectangular garden sieve is ideal: while cylinder screens are better suited to evenly distribute fresh seed box screens while shaking the earth.

the stitches
There are large and small meshes that are suitable for different gardening tasks. For this reason, most screens have different bottom inserts that can be exchanged. If this is not the case, you should consider in advance which mesh size is the better choice: fine meshes are suitable for dry soil, medium-sized for coarse and wet soil – large meshes are better suited for large quantities.

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