Gaming: Why the video game “Arma 3” is being misused for fake videos

Watch the video: “Arma 3” video game is fuel for propaganda and fake videos – developers are fighting back.

In connection with the Ukraine war and other armed conflicts, false reports, propaganda and fake videos are being spread again and again.

Particularly popular as a source of material for the producers of the misleading clips: the video game “Arma 3”.

The reason for this may be that excerpts from the game with rudimentary video editing can already look like authentic war videos.

Scenes from the game are repeatedly distributed as supposedly real shots from war zones.

The star also repeatedly unmasks allegedly authentic war videos in fact checks as scenes from the game.

The problem goes so far that the producers of the military simulation, the software company “Bohemia Interactive”, report with a video to speak.

The typical signs of an “Arma 3” fake are explained in the 74-second clip.

Clues include: shaky camera work, unnatural video effects, low video resolution and missing sound. It is also typical that no people can be seen in the videos.

In an accompanying statement, the video game producers write:

“While it is flattering that Arma 3 depicts modern warfare so realistically, we are not happy that it is confused with real war videos and used as war propaganda.” – Pavel Křižka,

The company also states that its attempts to block fake videos were mostly unsuccessful. Therefore, Bohemia Interactive relies on education and works together with fact checkers and news agencies.

The company also asks players in the statement to deal responsibly with filmed game scenes and to always mark them as what they are – namely video game clips.

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