GameFi WTF EP.4 Get to know Bunicorn, the Ponzinomic game of the GameFi world.

Hello, today we will talk about a game that should not be called a game. Because of the little gameplay and a limited play system But will focus on the game’s economy of Play to Earn with rewards for players (or people who press on the web page) if anyone can access this game at the beginning of the line. It will pay back quickly and have the opportunity to make huge profits. The game I’m talking about is Bunicorn.

What is Bunicorn Game?

Bunicorn is a click-to-earn game on Binance Smart Chain. There will be a fairly simple gameplay. Just buy the necessary characters. Then the player clicks to select the enemy they want to fight. Then the system will randomly output the result. If the result is a win, we will be rewarded with crypto coins. The focus of this style of game is the ponzinomic or semi-chain game economy, which will be explained in the next section for the Bunicorn game that was released in July this past. after the game Click-to-earn seniors like Cryptoblades are likely to collapse because new players have lost their minds. causing the coin price to fall Not enough to pay for old players, Bunicorn Games has taken this lesson to develop a more sustainable in-game token system. Players are responsible for purchasing trainers and NFT rabbits to fight for the reward of a game coin called $BUR. In addition, the game has other modes in addition to the game. General Click-to-earn modes such as Raid boss and Lottery modes that help reduce the supply of coins on the other hand.

What is a Ponzinomic style game?

Ponzinomic games are similar to Ponzi schemes. That is, the person who enters first will be full first or pay back quickly while the person who enters the game later. It may be slow payback or even no payback. It’s stuck in the mountain. We can study these things through the Tokenomic page in the game’s whitepaper.

For a Ponzinomic game, players need to buy game coins and then use these coins in Mint NFT to play the game. which investment in this game Our income will vary according to the amount invested. is down a lot, will get a lot less will get less It is at this point that the demand for coins is generated. New player money spent in Mint NFT will be paid to old players as a reward for playing. At this point everything seems normal if this cycle can continue. But if at some point there are no new players coming in. Or more rewards from playing (Emission rate) than taken to Mint NFT (Burn rate) will cause the game’s economy to collapse. causing the coin price to drop For example, in Cryptoblade games where the earnings are hardly worth the gas wasted on the press.

DeFi Gaming

besides the gameplay Click-to-earn Bunicorn usually has an open DEX and a Governance token farm. You can stake $BUNI and $BUR at Ancient Monster Farm and earn $BUNI rewards. Achieving a certain amount of reward will also receive NFT, which you can redeem NFT for $BUNI coins or can be used to farm at NFT farm as well.

Investment, Gameplay and ROI

Players can have a total of 4 pairs of rabbits and trainers, with different rarity (stars) of rabbits. The higher the star, the more expensive and skillful it becomes. For anyone who wants to start playing, it is recommended to buy a trainer and a rabbit of 2 stars or higher from the market. Random is not recommended because it will be more expensive. And it’s important to choose the trainer’s element to match the rabbit because it will give you an additional bonus attack power. The two-star Trainer-Rabbit team will be at 240 $BUNI, or about 1400 baht in value, and if we hit the monster to win. Will receive $BUR coins as a reward of approximately 7 $BUR or 3 baht in one day, we will be able to hit about 5 times, it will fall about 15 baht per day (in case of winning every time), so the ROI will be about 3 month in case of $BUR coin has a fixed value

Token system within the game

As I said earlier, Bunicorn has taken the flaws of Cryptoblades as a lesson learned. By using a system of 2 tokens, $BUNI coin and $BUR coin.

$BUNI – This is the game’s Governance token. It has a limited amount similar to the $AXS coin of Axie Infinity. It is required to mint NFTs (trainers, Bunicorns) and to buy and sell on the Marketplace.

$BUR – This is a token given by playing, similar to the $SLP of Axie Infinity games. There is an unlimited number of mint trainers (pair with $BUNI), Bunicorn powerups, unlock trainer levels, play. Lottery and Stake $ BUR to get $BUNI on the game’s DeFi page.

Although the game has a good looking system, the developer team has adjusted the tokenomics system in the game many times. Most of which are reducing the rewards of old players. This made the players unhappy and started selling coins eventually. As a result, the prices of $BUR and $BUNI tokens dropped dramatically. which this incident caused a chain effect is when the coin price in the game goes down. New players will not dare to play because it is not worth the money invested. When no new money comes in to buy game coins The coin price will drop even further. It is an important point to be careful when playing a game with a Ponzinomic economy, if anyone is thinking of playing this game. You should study the risks by reading the project’s whitepaper or asking the community before making an investment decision.

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