GameFi is still booming in January. Over $1 billion has been invested in blockchain games.

A recent report from DappRadar has revealed the numbers and indicates a clear trend in the growing GameFi segment. It seems that interest in this area is growing higher than ever.

followJanuary reportAccording to DappRadar, GameFi is booming. And blockchain-based online games received more than $1 billion in funding in January alone. And for comparison, in the full year of 2021 the sector is investing $4 billion.

Interestingly, the report also revealed that This investment accounts for 52% of the blockchain sector’s activity in 2022 to date.

One of the top titles remains Harmony’s DeFi Kingdom (JEWEL), with the game generating more than $1.5 billion in transactions through January, 243% more than the blockchain gaming giant Axie Infinity. JEWEL also has a $775 million TVL, 60% of the total value locked into the entire Harmony network.

The report also stated that In the third quarter of 2021, blockchain-based games become the most prominent dApp category. If going back to that time They account for 45% of all industry activity. And now this number has increased to 52%.

However, one of the most important metrics for these projects is Retention of users For example, Splinterlands – one of the most popular games. Which is currently the game with the most players. There was a 4.5% growth in the unique active wallet segment in January compared to December 2021.

Jesse “Aggroed” Reich, CEO and Project Co-Founder. Splinterlands has said: January is an incredible month for Splinterlands We’ve released the sixth edition of our card, Chaos Legion, and it has been amazingly popular. And we’re seeing a lot of old players coming back to get new packs and get involved again. We are also seeing a lot of new players entering the ecosystem.”

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