Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof: save the department stores – culture

There you are, batteries and socks in hand, wanting to save a cultural institution: why department stores shouldn’t be allowed to disappear from city centers.


Nils Minkmar

The child in us found a home in a department store: Who hasn’t imagined being locked up there with friends for a night and having everything from the toy department to sweets, watching all the films and rummaging through the many beds, knowing that a freshly purchased one is still available? Long before people can calculate the practical use of the large inner-city department stores, it is already an address in their imagination, because there you can get to know so much about the world: who is out and about in a city like this, what you can and cannot have , which things you are allowed to touch and when – “You look with your eyes!” – the saleswoman stops. The department store is the central place in the city and anyway – where else would you go when the free hours drag on, when it rains, when the bus doesn’t come?

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