Gabriel Fortin, suspected of having killed two HRDs and a Pôle Emploi advisor, refuses to participate in the reconstruction

Suspected of having killed two HRDs and a Pole Emploi advisor in Drôme and Haut-Rhin, Gabriel Fortin refused to participate on Tuesday in the reconstruction of the facts that was taking place at the Pôle emploi de Valence, indicates Alexis Perrin, prosecutor of the Republic.

The 45-year-old jobless engineer was forcibly removed from his cell. “On the spot, he reiterated his refusal to participate and speak out as had been the case since the start of the legal proceedings. The reconstitution took place, without his participation, but in the presence of his lawyer, ”adds the prosecutor.

Other reconstructions to come

The reconstruction began outside the premises of Pôle Emploi in order to clarify the conditions under which Gabriel Fortin went to the scene. It continued inside the premises in the presence of certain witnesses and colleagues of the victim.

Subsequently, the examining magistrate wished to make the journey between the premises of Pôle Emploi and the company FAUN Environnement where other acts of assassination were committed. The reconstitution ended around 3 p.m.

Other facts such as those committed in eastern France will be the subject of subsequent reconstructions on dates which have not yet been fixed, specifies the prosecution by way of conclusion.

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