G point vibrator: This is what distinguishes the sex toy from others

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Special stimulation: What makes the G-spot vibrator different from others

The G-spot vibrator is characterized, among other things, by a mostly curved shape

© AndreyPopov / iStock / Getty Images

There are a lot of sex toys on the market – and it’s getting more and more specific. The G-spot vibrator is designed to specifically stimulate a specific zone. What it’s all about.

A vibrator that women can both insert and put on and that is best used with a remote control: sex toys can now do many things at the same time, but should also stimulate in a very specific way despite being used many times. The G-spot vibrator is more than just a general pressure wave vibrator: it specifically stimulates the G-spot with a special technique. What you should know about this.

G-spot vibrator: what’s special about it?

First of all: The name G-spot vibrator sounds as if it would only stimulate a single point of the female intimate zone. However, the G-spot is not a point, but an area – the existence of which has not been scientifically proven. The G-spot should be about three to five centimeters from the vaginal entrance, behind the front vaginal wall, near the urethra. Shape, size and pleasure in this area are completely individual. The best way to see where the G-spot is is when you’re aroused, as the tissue there swells, becomes hard, and can be felt.

At least that is what the German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg discovered, who in 1950 made this zone responsible for particularly intense orgasms for the first time. Gräfenberg’s opinion: During sexual intercourse, it is not the stimulation of the clitoris that triggers the orgasm, but the friction on the G-spot. However, this has not been confirmed to this day, even if this particularly erogenous zone is often mentioned.

However, since the feeling of pleasure varies from woman to woman – some like touching the nipples, for example, others do not – it is similar with the G-spot: some women feel more pleasure in this specific zone, others less. But for those who don’t just want to specifically stimulate the head of the clitoris with a vibrator, there is the special G-spot vibrator: It usually has a special shape in order to be able to reach the G-spot and massage this zone in a targeted manner, often as well to suck and stimulate. It can usually be used in a variety of ways and is suitable for insertion, but also for laying on.

A comparison of three G-spot vibrators

The following three models are well suited to test whether the stimulation of the G-spot is comfortable. In addition, these models can be used for other types of stimulation.

Of the Yicoco G-spot vibrator is characterized by its soft material and the different vibration modes. It is waterproof and can be used for placement on areas such as the clitoris or nipple, as well as insertion for the G-spot. Many lay-on vibrators are not suitable for insertion, this model is and is therefore particularly versatile.

Of the Womanizer OG is a G-spot vibrator with Pleasure-Air technology stimulates the clitoris without contact, gentle air vibrations suck and massage the selected part of the body. On the one hand, the special feature is the shape of the vibrator: it is inserted and not only stimulates the clitoris superficially. The more luxurious model is premium because it pulsates as well as massages. The Pleasure Air stimulation only switches on in direct contact with the skin and thus not only saves battery life, but also reduces noise, adapts to the body and lets the orgasm end pleasantly with its gentle switch-off function.

That Model by Amoochoo connects via Bluetooth to an associated app and is suitable for iOS and Android. It offers a wide range of usage modes and also has a music mode that vibrates according to the frequency of the music. It can be used for the clitoris, G-spot, but also anally and is also well suited for on the go to experience intimate adventures.

G-spot vibrator: benefits

A G-spot vibrator is beneficial because it allows you to explore her body and find out what particularly excites you. He also trains the regions for arousal. This is what sex therapist and author Dania Schiftan generally advises, as she said in an interview with the star explained: “Only when I really develop the regions and make them excitable can I actually benefit from them during sex and increase the stimulation.”

Source used: Academia.edu

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