Fynn Kliemann comments on allegations by Jan Böhmermann in an interview

Finn Kliemann
“The statement that I don’t earn anything with the masks was wrong”

Influencer and musician Fynn Kliemann

© Axel Heimken / Picture Alliance

After the revelations by ZDF satirist Jan Böhmermann, influencer Fynn Kliemann commented on the allegations in an interview. He admits that he made a lot of money from the mask deals.

Influencer and musician Fynn Kliemann is criticized after a TV report by Jan Böhmermann. Böhmermann had published a video on his show “ZDF Magazin Royale” about dubious business with protective masks. Kliemann is said to have given out Asian masks as European ones and donated inferior goods to refugees. The 34-year-old has already made a statement that also star-Editorial is available. It says, among other things: “I would like to formally apologize to all people, organizations and institutions who are now disappointed and shocked ‘at first sight’.”

In an interview with “Spiegel”, Kliemann also commented on the allegations. He was not a scammer, he said at the beginning of the conversation. “The production from Bangladesh was only intended for major customers. I knew about it, but these masks were never sold on my website or communicated externally by me,” explained Kliemann. The masks went to fashion retailer About You, who advertised and sold them under Kliemann’s name.

“It was a phase in which several partners wanted to use my name for advertising, without me having a clear overview. I knew that masks were produced in Bangladesh, but I didn’t know exactly who they were sent to. Im In retrospect, that was a huge mistake,” said Kliemann. The masks sold through his online shop oderso.cool were produced in Portugal.

Fynn Klieman’s explanations remain vague

The “ZDF Magazin Royale” showed numerous WhatsApp messages and emails suggesting that it should be deliberately concealed that the masks for the dealer About You were produced in Bangladesh and Vietnam. Kliemann told the “Spiegel”: “Of course, if the country of origin was deliberately falsified, that’s not possible. But I was told that this is common practice so that the competition doesn’t know where you have things produced.”

Kliemann says he didn’t know that the 100,000 masks donated to refugees were of poor quality because he didn’t pack them himself. “I never saw the masks. If really defective masks were sent, then that’s absolutely unacceptable. Everyone deserves the same protection, especially in a situation like this,” he said.

He corrected his statement that he had not enriched himself with the mask deal. “Of course you think: ‘Hey, we’re making money here!'”, he admitted and then said: “I had a net turnover of 490,469.58 euros via my website. If you deduct costs and fees, the profit remains Taxes around 415,083 euros. The statement that I don’t earn anything with the masks was wrong.”

Source: “Mirror” (paid content)


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