Fynn Kliemann and his Kliemannsland: The jack of all trades from Lower Saxony

The jack of all trades from Lower Saxony: How Fynn Kliemann built his universe over the years

Fynn Kliemann is the entrepreneur of the millennial generation. With a fan base that is constantly growing

© Hauke-Christian Dittrich / Picture Alliance

He has his fingers in many projects: from music to painting to startups and real estate. There is hardly anything that Fynn Kliemann has not tried. An overview.

“I make a little music, videos, clothes, build websites, startups and things out of scrap” – this is how Fynn Kliemann describes himself on his Twitter profile. That sounds casual, but it’s exactly the tone that makes the jack of all trades. For years he was the nice DIY guy from Youtube, today he has his fingers in many different projects.

Fynn Kliemann and his Kliemannsland

Starting as a web designer, he founded the Herrlich Media agency together with Florian Bottmann in 2011, which specializes in website design. “Flo and Fynn lived for the first two wonderful media years in 4 square meters in Sven’s basement together with pizza and a Senseo machine. Then this incredibly great gang came along over the next nine years. We don’t live in the basement anymore and have a better one coffee machine, but otherwise not much has changed and that’s what we love about this team. nerds stay nerds. It doesn’t matter what they look like,” says the agency’s website, unconventionally as usual.

Finn Kliemann

Fynn Kliemann in his Kliemannsland

© Hauke-Christian Dittrich / Picture Alliance

But that’s not all. Most people should know Kliemann for his adventure farm in Lower Saxony, the Kliemannsland. He acquired the old farm in 2016, which (according to the website) is said to be a “place for everyone”. “Imagine there was a country where weirdos are still allowed to spin, where visionaries are heard, dreamers can live their dreams and share them with others,” says the description. Kliemannsland is reminiscent of a construction playground for adults, from where Kliemann regularly films himself carrying out his projects, building a garage or conducting daring experiments. Kliemann does everything, and the scene of his online existence is mostly his own country. The Kliemannsland is not only open to visitors, but also available for rent. To ensure that everything runs smoothly, Kliemann needs a lot of helping hands.

Criticism for job posting

In November 2020, he was criticized because he was looking for craftsmen, but was a bit stingy when it came to payment. “Full-time, but only for board and lodging,” it said in his advertisement on Instagram, “unfortunately” there is no “budget for this position”.

In addition to web design and Kliemannsland, the 34-year-old runs a music publishing company (Two Finger Records) and a clothing company called Global Tactics. The company came into focus in Jan Böhmermann’s “ZDF Magazin Royale” when the editors of the satirical show revealed that Kliemann and his business partner did not have corona masks produced fairly in Europe, as stated, but in Asia.

Another topic at Böhmermann was Kliemann’s hotel concept LDGG, with which he wants to make holidays possible for people who are not so well off financially thanks to donations. The problem: It is not yet clear who is managing the donations.

expensive art

Since 2020, Fynn Kliemann has also been selling his own art in the form of paintings. He wanted several thousand euros for some works, but there are also paintings for around 300 euros. The entrepreneur was criticized by fans for his proud prices, and took a stand on this in August last year. “How much does art cost? Correction. I never wanted to make overpriced art, but somehow I took the wrong turn. Thank you for the feedback. I think I’ve found a cool way now. Catalog with new prices will be available soon at oderso.cool”, he wrote on Instagram at the time.

Kliemann has also tried his hand at acting. In 2017 he starred in Detlev Buck’s film “Bibi & Tina: Tohuwabohu Total”. As a musician he has already received several awards, in 2018 and 2020 the “1 Live Krone”, first for the “best newcomer” and then for the “best artist”. In 2020 he also received the MTV Europe Music Award for “Best German Act”.

Houseboat with Olli Schulz

A project that indirectly connects Jan Böhmermann and Fynn Kliemann is the entrepreneur’s houseboat. In 2018 he took over the old boat from musician Gunter Gabriel and renovated it together with Olli Schulz, Böhmermann’s “Fest und Flauschig” podcast partner. Kliemann and Schulz were accompanied by cameras during the renovation work, and the final documentary was broadcast on Netflix.

Anyone who loses track of Kliemann’s machinations is forgiven. There are only a few things that the jack of all trades from Lower Saxony would not have tried. To put it bluntly: a bit of music, videos, clothes, websites, start-ups and things made of junk.

Sources: oderso.cool / “Northern Reading” / Germany radio culture / “The Best Social Media”


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