“Future collective agreement” demanded: warning strikes at IKEA in North Rhine-Westphalia and Hamburg

Status: 04/14/2023 10:18 a.m

Ver.di calls for a two-day warning strike at IKEA. Furniture stores in North Rhine-Westphalia and Hamburg are affected. The union calls for a “future collective agreement” and better conditions for employees.

The trade union ver.di has called for a two-day warning strike for several branches of the furniture chain IKEA. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the houses in Essen, Dortmund, Duisburg and Cologne are affected.

In Hamburg, employees in the Altona, Moorfleet and Schnelsen branches are required to go on strike all day on Friday and Saturday. The union is demanding a “collective wage agreement for the future”, but the management has not yet been prepared to negotiate, according to ver.di

Protective measures required for employees

In view of an increased workload, ver.di is demanding measures for employees. These include, among other things, protection against overload, higher health protection and the right to qualification when changing jobs. Ver.di criticizes that the number of customers has recently increased significantly, but the staff has not been increased to the same extent.

In addition, the increasing digitization in the company should not lead to more burdens for the employees or to job cuts, said a union spokesman. Instead, they could be enabled to take better care of the customers.

More co-determination in the company

In Hamburg, the state district called for more co-determination of the workforce with a view to the upcoming “massive changes” due to digitization and “the franchise model for the Hamburg market”. The union spokesman referred to the fashion company H&M as a positive example. A digitization collective agreement was recently concluded here.

On Wednesday, employees at all Berlin IKEA locations were called on to go on a day-long strike. Here, too, it was about the demand to start negotiations on a digitization collective agreement.

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