Further investigations needed on “Puma” tanks – Politics

At the failed ones pumaAccording to the Ministry of Defence, infantry fighting vehicles were primarily found to have minor and medium-sized damage, and a top-level discussion with the industry should bring clarity about future use.

The ministry informed the chairmen of the defense committee on Wednesday in a classified information. Accordingly, the federal government classifies the puma still as a high-quality weapon system.

Defense Minister Lambrecht had to pull the emergency brake

After 18 of 18 Pumas gradually had to be taken out of service during a shooting exercise, Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) pulled the emergency brake and the ultra-modern puma withdrawn from deployment for the NATO Rapid Reaction Force (VJTF). The soldiers use the older infantry fighting vehicle instead marten. Also a puma– Post-purchase has been postponed for the time being.

17 of the 18 are now puma repaired. However, the ministry emphasizes that further investigations are necessary, they concern high-quality parts and fire damage – the use is not generally questioned. “For a war-ready system, the puma but be robust and reliable.”

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