Further decline in the number of patients in hospital and intensive care units

Coronavirus: hospitalizations down, 66 people died in 24 hours – FRED SCHEIBER / SIPA

The number of patients in hospital and in intensive care units was down again on Monday, according to data released by Public health France.

In total, 14,323 patients with Covid-19 were hospitalized, against 14,525 the day before and 16,596 a week earlier, specifies the health agency. In twenty-four hours, 383 new patients were admitted to hospitals in France.

A little air for critical care services

Critical care services, which treat the most serious cases, received 97 new patients within 24 hours. The total number of Covid-19 patients in these services was down to 2,472 patients, against 2,527 the day before.

This crucial indicator fell back below the 3,000 mark on May 30 and has more than halved since its peak in late April, at the height of the third wave of the epidemic. All in all encouraging results.

In the past twenty-four hours, 66 patients have died in hospital bringing the total death toll to more than 110,000 since the start of the epidemic in March 2020.

The number of contaminations amounted to 1,164 confirmed cases in twenty-four hours against 5,070 the day before. Note, however, that this figure is always lower on Mondays, after the weekend.

The positivity rate over the last seven days, the ratio between the number of people tested positive and the total number of people tested, is down to 2.4% from 2.6% on Sunday and 3.2% ago one week.

42.2% of the total population received at least one dose of vaccine

In terms of vaccination, which will be open to 12-18 year olds in mid-June, 28,271,153 people have received at least one injection (i.e. 42.2% of the total population and 53.8% of the adult population). ), according to the Ministry of Health.

Some 12,517,522 people received two injections, or 18.7% of the total population and 23.8% of the adult population. And a total of 13,997,549 people have had a “complete vaccination schedule” (some people, especially those who have had Covid-19, only receive one dose and some vaccines are single-dose).

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