Fuel, cigarettes, meal vouchers, deadline for your aid … We take stock of everything that changes on March 1, 2023 – Var-matin

  1. Fuel, cigarettes, meal vouchers, deadline for your aid… We take stock of everything that changes on March 1, 2023Var-morning
  2. Telephone canvassing, cigarettes, fuel… What changes on March 1, 2023news.fr
  3. Telephone canvassing, fuel, tobacco prices… What changes from March 1South West
  4. Consumption. Telephone canvassing: “It’s a scourge, it should be banned”Progress
  5. Fuel bonus, Agirc-Arrco retirement, taxes, “red march”… everything that changes on March 1, 2023Free lunch
  6. See full coverage on Google News

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