Frost disrupts international train traffic

Frozen catenaries. Frost disrupted international train traffic on the Belgian rail network this Saturday and will cause delays during the day for trains departing from Belgium, announced a spokesperson for Infrabel, the infrastructure manager. .

Delays of between 20 minutes and 4 hours have been announced for several Thalys departing from Brussels to Paris, Schipol airport in the Netherlands and Düsseldorf in Germany. Two Thalys from Amsterdam to Paris Nord have been canceled, the company says.

“Two trains, a Thalys and a TGV, were immobilized in the middle of the track this morning at 8.30 a.m. on leaving Brussels by frost stuck to the catenary. They were both able to leave around 10:30 a.m., ”explained a spokeswoman for the company. “Traffic has resumed, but this will cause many delays during the day for international traffic,” she said. “We have a winter plan, with infrastructure checks and measures to prevent the formation of frost. But zero risk does not exist,” explained the Infrabel spokesperson.

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