From when the 100 euros for recipients from the 2022 relief package will come

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Of: Jens Kiffmeier

Greens cheer, left moans: The traffic light grants a bonus for recipients of Hartz IV. But when will the subsidy of 100 euros from the relief package 2022 come?

Berlin – shared response to that Relief package 2022: In contrast to the left, the Greens have defended the payment of an energy cost bonus for recipients of Hartz IV against criticism. Because of the high prices for electricity, petrol, diesel or food, the traffic light coalition granted recipients of social benefits a special payment of 100 euros in addition to the standard rate. “Many people are experiencing social hardship,” said the spokeswoman for the Green Youth, Sarah-Lee Heinrich, to Therefore, a “doubling of the Hartz IV surcharge is urgently needed”.

Financial help for the unemployed:Unemployment benefit II (called Hartz 4)
Introduced:January 1, 2005
Legal basis:Second Book of Social Legislation

Relief package 2022: Bonus planned for recipients of Hartz IV – but when will the subsidy come?

It is the second time that the federal government has Hartz IV recipients want to receive a special payment because of the high energy costs. After the prices for electricity, petrol, diesel and food had already come under pressure at the turn of the year, the payment of a bonus of 100 euros had already been agreed. But because of the Ukraine war, energy costs could continue to rise, which is why the traffic light coalition of Chancellor Olaf Scholz now again in the context of another Relief package 2022 increased the planned subsidy for Hartz IV recipients by 100 euros.

Relief package 2022: Recipients of social benefits should receive a special payment of 100 euros. ( assembly) © Annette Riedl/dpa/imago

200 euros extra – a reason for joy for many recipients of basic security. But many recipients of ALG II also ask themselves: When can I expect the money from the two packages? The answer to that is not yet clear. After tough negotiations, the leaders of the three coalition parties of SPD, FDP and Greens have agreed on the main features of the relief package, which Grant to Hartz IV also a Energy price flat rate of 300 euros for employeescheap Tickets for bus and train (9 for 90 ticket)a child bonusan energy price flat rate of 300 and a Provides a tank discount due to the high price of petrol and diesel.

Hartz IV: Special payment for recipients of ALG II has yet to be worked out

The individual measures and the special payment for Hartz IV must now be approved by the politics implemented in the respective ministries. While the Federal Ministry of Labor kept a low profile when asked by and pointed out that it had not been involved in the talks on the relief package, the Federal Finance Minister made the statement Christian Lindner (FDP) a speedy implementation of the measures in prospect. “The details are now being worked out – with the aim of quickly implementing the planned measures,” said a spokesman for our portal. A spokesman for the Federal Employment Agency (BA) also confirmed that this legislative process would first have to be awaited before the precise design could be finalised.

A concrete one payout date there are no bonuses for the two yet. In the past, the drafting of the regulations always took a few months. In comparable cases, such as the corona bonus or the child leisure bonus, it was relatively uncomplicated in the end. The money was paid out on a fixed date at the beginning of the month with the standard rate. However, it still needs to be clarified whether the subsidy must be applied for – or not.

Subsidy to Hartz IV 2022: The bonus will be paid out with the standard rate – but the payment date is not yet fixed

In that regard, it remains to be seen when exactly the Bonus for recipients of Hartz IV gives a little relief from the high energy costs. From the point of view of trade unions or social associations, a one-off payment is not sufficient in the long term. Because of the generally rising prices, they have been demanding an increase in the standard rates for months. However, the federal government shuns that Increasing the standard rates – despite the Greens’ call for a rescue package.

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The hesitant attitude and actions of the coalition are met with displeasure on the left. The 2022 relief package was “inconsistent and socially blind,” left-wing politician Jörg Schindler railed. So it is incomprehensible why all Germans would be relieved of a flat rate of 300 euros in energy money, wrote the member of the Bundestag on Twitter. In the end, millionaires also benefited from this – while social benefit recipients only received 100 euros once. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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