From the District Court of Ebersberg: Pulled by the hair through the corridor – Ebersberg

The Ebersberg district court has now dealt with a not inconsiderable case of domestic violence: Father Stettener, who is accused of dangerous bodily harm, is accused of having physically abused his wife for several years. However, the alleged perpetrator did not want to comment on the allegations, he only let his lawyer speak. Two witnesses were also heard on the first day of the hearing: the plaintiff, the accused’s estranged wife, and a police officer who was on duty during one of the incidents.

Among other things, the man is said to have poured hot noodles over his wife’s head

The couple, who began dating in 2009, are currently in the midst of their divorce process. For several years, the accused is said to have regularly attacked and beat his wife. Several incidents between 2016 and 2020 were reported before the Ebersberg district court. Among other things, the accused is said to have beaten his wife with an ice scraper, hit her in the face with his fist out of jealousy while driving and poured a hot pasta dish over her head. According to the plaintiff, she always hoped he would change and therefore never called the police or filed a complaint in previous years.

On one of the evenings in question, when the police did show up, the couple had invited friends over. After the convivial evening, the guests’ cars had to be cleared of snow, and the dogs had to be walked. The accused took on this task voluntarily, but a short time later came back home angry and aggressive and complained about the dogs, which he saw as badly trained. He is said to have beaten his wife with an ice scraper, there was talk of hits on the shoulder and arms. The father from Stetten is said to have pushed his partner down a small spiral staircase and pulled her hair down the hall. She then called the police, who found the woman outraged on the street. After lengthy discussions with the officers, the accused voluntarily left the house and went to his second home.

The defender sows doubts: Could the injuries have come from BDSM practices?

One of the police officers who were on duty that evening was called as a witness, but was unable to provide much clarification. He said that since the crime happened a long time ago, it is very difficult to remember all the details. The defendant’s lawyer, in turn, interjected that the couple had been part of the BDSM scene for a long time. In this respect, the injuries that the woman suffered could very well have come from these practices. The defense attorney also asked for other witnesses: Surely someone should have noticed something about the abuse over the years?

Ultimately, the Ebersberg court did not make a judgment, but scheduled another day of trial. Then the parents, a brother, a hairdresser and a doctor should be asked about the allegations against the father in Stetten.

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