From Saturday, the mask will no longer be compulsory in the places of the department subject to the health pass

In Hérault, the incidence rate of Covid-19 was 37 cases per 100,000 inhabitants over seven days, Thursday, against 44 nationally. This drop in the epidemic figures led the prefect to further relax the health rules.

As of Saturday, wearing a mask will no longer be compulsory in establishments open to the public, places and events to which access is subject to the health pass. “This wearing of a mask may however be required by decision of the operator or the organizer”, specify the services of the Hérault prefecture.

Wearing a mask outdoors is no longer required in the Hérault since September 16, with the exception of areas with high population density, when the maintenance of physical distancing cannot be ensured, indicates the prefecture. This is the case, for example, in crowded streets, markets or near public transport.

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