From Monday, unvaccinated contact cases will no longer be required to isolate themselves

It’s not just the indoor masks and the vaccination pass that have become obsolete. The Ministry of Health has published new recommendations on contact cases. That’s a game-changer for unvaccinated people.

From next Monday, March 21 precisely, people who have been in contact with a person infected with Covid-19 are no longer required to spend seven days without seeing anyone and without going out. Whether they are vaccinated or not. And whether we are talking about adults or children. College and high school students who are not vaccinated will therefore no longer have to miss classes if a case occurs in their class…

No more compulsory isolation, but tenfold barrier gestures

Clearly, whatever your vaccination status, if you receive a phone call from a friend or from Social Security informing you that you are in contact, you must wait two days before taking a test, antigen, self-test or PCR. , to check that you have not caught Covid-19.

And in the meantime? You certainly have the right to go out, but you must wear the mask again indoors and outdoors in contact with other people, limit contact with fragile people and avoid contact with people at risk of serious form and finally telework as far as possible.

An announcement that caused a reaction on Twitter for School and Forgotten Families, who are worried about seeing the lifting of almost all restrictions at a time when contamination is rising.

A quick reminder: if your test comes back positive after two days, you must isolate yourself. And wait five days to get out provided your antigen or PCR test is negative and you haven’t had any symptoms for forty-eight hours. Otherwise, you will have to wait seven days.

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