From Lille to Nice, from Bordeaux to Besançon, outpourings of solidarity are multiplying throughout France

The war in Ukraine triggered by Russia raises a wave of solidarity in France and Europe. Thousands of people marched on the continent to denounce the Russian invasion and express their fear of a world war. In France, from Nice to Lorient and from Bordeaux to Besançon, authorities, associations or individuals have launched appeals for donations in order to deliver humanitarian aid to Ukrainians. Overview (blue and yellow) of these initiatives.

In Nice, a collection centralized by the metropolis

Medicines, warm clothes, products for very young children, the metropolis of Nice “wanted to take concrete action for civilian populations”. A collection of donations has thus been launched in the various municipalities of the metropolis. Twenty-two municipalities joined the call to collect the supplies on site. The donations will then be centralized by the metropolitan health security agency, which will ensure the delivery of this humanitarian aid.

In Bordeaux, Ukraine friendship is looking for medicine

The association Ukraine friendship, based in Bordeaux, launched this weekend a call for donations to help Ukrainians. A first truck left to deliver this aid on Sunday in the middle of the afternoon, reported France 3. But this association is currently overwhelmed with the supply of clothing, she said. on his Facebook page. She now specifies giving priority to drugs. These donations can be dropped off at 16 rue Jacques-Yves-Cousteau, in Villenave-d’Ornon.

In Lille, a list of inhabitants for the reception of refugees, the firefighters are organized

The city of Lille has volunteered to host refugees from the conflict in Ukraine and is calling on those citizens wishing to do the same to come forward via a dedicated email address ([email protected]). In Villeneuve-d’Ascq, firefighters from the French Disaster Relief Group are collecting donations, says France 3. Public television reports that the association gathered in just a few hours more than 800 kg of drugs from their pharmaceutical partners located in the Paris region.

In Lyon, the Catholic Church takes matters into its own hands

The Ukrainian Greek-Catholic parish of Saint-Athanase de Lyon organized this Sunday in partnership with the Lyon-Ukraine association a collection of donations intended for the victims of the conflict, mentions France 3. The town hall of the neighboring town of Pierre-Bénite has also launched an appeal to its inhabitants, reports Progress.

In Besançon, a baker on his way to the border

He had already been talked about during a hunger strike to obtain the regularization of his apprentice without a residence permit. Stéphane Ravacley now wants to organize a convoy of several vehicles to the Polish-Ukrainian border to deliver supplies. He hopes to be able to leave on Wednesday and indicates that his bakery, located at 11, rue de la Rivotte, in Besançon, serves as a collection point.

In Marseille, donations to bring to the town hall

“Marseille, a fraternal city, was made by welcoming foreign populations”, recalled the city in a press release encouraging the people of Marseille to translate “into acts” and “commitments” the impulses of solidarity. A call for donations to be dropped off at City Hall has been issued. Again, medicines, clothes, blankets, tents, cots, batteries, candles and dry food items are welcome. The aid will be received, stored and transported by the municipal services (marine-firefighters, Samu social) in coordination with the public hospital.

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