From Kempten to Munich: Batman is moving – Bavaria

Munich police officers know disguised people like few others. Mardi Gras isn’t that big in the city, but for Oktoberfest they suddenly all come in costume, or whatever they think is costume. From all over the world. And then there are always the really big football games, with red people and other colorful people.

In this respect, a Batman more or less in the city doesn’t matter. On the other hand, they probably wouldn’t have minded if the superhero had stayed in Kempten.

Just recently, the Batman from the Allgäu accidentally triggered a major police operation. Suddenly they had a caller in the control center who apparently did not know the Batman from Kempten and therefore stammered something about “camouflage suit” and “weapon” into the phone.

30 officials turned out, although one or the other might have thought that the well-known superhero was behind it. He started walking through Kempten disguised as Batman three years ago. He shows off his various Batman costumes on social media. As Batman, he wants to do good. In the hospital, for example, he is a regular guest on the children’s wards, and he also poses for photos in the pedestrian zone. “Because it makes people happy,” he writes. And because he loves to make them happy. However, he does not want to be recognized, so he prefers to remain anonymous – like the superhero in the comics.

Kempten is now cleansed of all criminals, so Batman no longer has a job there. It is logical that he is now moving on to Munich. According to self-promotion, it is “the safest city in Germany”, but there should be a few more criminals than in the Allgäu. Actually, the anonymous Batman is professionally drawn to the state capital. But once he’s there, he doesn’t want to miss out on helping old ladies across the roadway in one of his costumes and giving high fives to small children. The self-made Batman has announced that he will also be roaming the streets of Munich. The Munich police are looking forward to it, even if he’s probably less conspicuous there than in Kempten – and the locals there are generally less excited about people dressed up.

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