From 37.60 to 112.80 euros reimbursed to compensate for the difficulties encountered

A little balm to the heart for users of public transport in the Ile-de-France region. Valérie Pécresse, the president of Ile-de-France Mobilités (IDFM) announced this Thursday noon that reimbursements ranging between 37.60 euros and 112.80 euros would benefit travelers facing difficulties encountered in transport during the four last months of 2022.

“There was 25% of supply not realized for buses and between 15 and 20% for metros for 4 months”, underlined Valérie Pécresse to explain this reimbursement. It will therefore be 37.60 euros, half the old price of the Navigo pass, for all users who can justify the purchase of three monthly passes between September and December 2022. Obviously also eligible are the Navigo Annual, Senior, imagine R Student and School.

In addition, for users of certain sections of RER B and D, there will be a reimbursement of between half a month and a full month of Pass Navigo. In detail, and be careful, it’s complex, it gives, according to IDFM:

On the axes of the RER B Nord (Aulnay – Mitry), RER B Nord (Aulnay – CDG2) and RER B Sud (Saint-Rémy – Bourg-la-Reine): if you have held 6 months of passes over the months showing a punctuality of less than 80%, you will be reimbursed for one month’s package (up to €75.20). If you have held between 3 and 5 months of passes out of the months with punctuality of less than 80%, you will be reimbursed for half a month’s pass (up to €37.60). On the RER B Sud (Robinson – Bourg-la-Reine) and RER D (Creil – Goussainville) axes: If you have held between 3 and 5 months of passes over the months with a punctuality of less than 80%, you will be reimbursed for half a month’s flat rate (up to €37.60).

Thus certain users of the RER B Nord, for example, will be able to accumulate up to 112.80 euros in compensation. In all, according to IDFM forecasts, 3.4 million travelers are potentially eligible. They will be notified by e-mail before the opening of the reimbursement platform on March 15 and will have one month to make the request. For reimbursement open to all users, a Navigo number will suffice or proof of payment. For the RER users concerned, it will be necessary to add proof of residence or work.

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