“Friedrich Merz can be chancellor”: CDU vice-president Karin Prien in an interview

CDU vice-president Karin Prien belongs to the social-liberal wing. Nevertheless, she thinks Friedrich Merz is the right candidate. Why?

Ms. Prien, the CDU wants to adopt a new basic program at its party conference in May. This includes the commitment to the dominant German culture. Does it have to be that way?
The debate is important! The term can be debated. Some people associate it with the debate from the 2000s. But we now live in a different time. Today it’s about cohesion and belonging to our society and not about exclusion. Armin Laschet once spoke of an “open leading culture”. That is also my understanding.

Next sensitive sentence: “Muslims who share our values ​​belong to Germany.” Muslim associations have criticized this as exclusionary. Does former Federal President Christian Wulff’s mantra “Islam belongs to Germany” no longer apply?

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