Fridays for Future puts pressure on again: thousands demonstrate (video)

Watch the video: Fridays for Future is putting pressure on again: Thousands are taking to the streets – and calling on politicians to take action

STORY: Activists and supporters of the climate protection movement Fridays for Futur worldwide called for a so-called “global climate strike” this Friday. In Berlin, several thousand people took part in the campaign. There were rallies and a subsequent demonstration through the government district. Fridays For Future calls on the federal government, among other things, to create a special fund of 100 billion euros. This should accelerate the phase-out of all fossil fuels. The situation is dramatic, said Fridays for Future activist Luisa Neubauer: “And now some are saying that the climate movement has recently become so radical. And sorry, we have to disappoint you. Nothing we could ever do can even come close to being as radical be like the climate and what it’s doing right now. The radicalization we have to be afraid of, that’s the planet that’s blowing up in our faces, dear government.” The demonstrators are demanding a consistent exit from coal, oil, gas and nuclear power. In addition, a fundamental turnaround in traffic. Darya Sotoodeh from Fridays for Future: “For example, the 9-euro ticket should be continued and in the long term public transport should be free for everyone, or we have to show solidarity internationally, especially with those who are currently suffering the most from the climate crisis , for example in Pakistan. And the federal government bears a great responsibility, countries of the Global North in general.” The day of action is supported by several associations, including Greenpeace, Climate Alliance, Nabu, Friends of Nature, Attac and Amnesty International. In total, demonstrations are to take place at over 270 locations in Germany on Friday.

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