Fridays for Future makes these six demands of the new government

Climate protection movement
Fridays for Future makes these six demands on the new federal government

“A ‘business as usual’ in eco-liberal is doomed to failure,” said activist Luisa Neubauer at the press conference on Friday

© Paul Zinken / DPA

The climate protection movement is blowing the horn. Before the coalition talks began, Fridays for Future presented their central demands to the new government – they should be implemented in the first 100 days.

Fridays for Future continues to put pressure: Shortly before the start of the coalition negotiations between the SPD, Greens and FDP, the climate protection movement presented its demands for the first 100 days to a new federal government on Wednesday.

Together with the scientists’ association Scientists for Future, the activists have worked out six central points:

1. The adoption of a 1.5 ° C-compliant CO2 budget

In this context, the climate protection movement insists on an independent supervisory body. To this end, a “mechanism for checking all laws and infrastructure projects” is to be introduced.

2. End of natural gas

All infrastructure projects related to natural gas are to be stopped immediately. In addition, the activists insist on a complete phase-out of natural gas by 2035 at the latest.

3. “Socially acceptable” exit from all fossil fuels

“All villages remain,” it says in this context. No further areas for coal should be dredged – the coal phase-out should take place by 2030. In addition, the climate protectors are calling for all subsidies for fossil fuels to be lifted.

4. Simplification and expansion of solar and wind energy

To this end, the movement calls for the “removal of all (political) expansion brakes”. Overall, the expansion should be sevenfold.

5. Radical turnaround in mobility

From 2025, according to the demand, all fossil burners should be stopped. In addition, motorways and federal highways should no longer be built or expanded with immediate effect.

6. “Taking global responsibility”

Germany must undertake to “stand up for its historical responsibilities,” the statement said. To this end, the federal government is to provide 14 billion euros for international climate finance – per year. A thorn in the side of the activists are also “trade agreements that endanger human rights”.

Climate protection movement: Fridays for Future makes these six demands on the new federal government

10,000 demonstrators expected in Berlin

To emphasize these points, Fridays for Future wants to take to the streets in Berlin again this Friday. Activists from all over Germany are expected. At a press conference in the Natural History Museum in Berlin, activist Luisa Neubauer said: “We are not talking about the greening of government work, we are talking about comprehensive system changes that are pending. A ‘business as usual’ in eco-liberal is doomed to failure.” The coalition negotiations between the SPD, the Greens and the FDP to form a joint federal government are due to begin this Thursday.

Two days before the federal election at the end of September, Fridays for Future had called for more climate protection at a large demonstration. According to estimates by the organizers, around 100,000 demonstrators took part in the protest march. Initiator Greta Thunberg gave a speech in front of the Reichstag building. According to the Berlin police, around 10,000 participants are registered for the demonstration through the government district on Friday.

Green youth also criticized traffic light proposals

The Green Youth has also expressed its criticism of the previous proposals made by the traffic light negotiating partners on climate protection. “In the current state of negotiations at the traffic light, climate protection is neglected,” wrote the youth organization of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen on Wednesday morning on Twitter. The organization joins the demands of the climate activists from Fridays before Future.

The Green Youth calls on the SPD, Greens and FDP in their tweet to limit the emissions of climate-damaging carbon dioxide (CO2) in such a way that global warming of more than 1.5 degrees is prevented. In addition, the junior organization is calling for the use of natural gas to be phased out by 2035 at the latest and a “consistent and socially acceptable” phase-out of coal by 2030 at the latest.

sources: DPA; Statement Fridays for Future


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