Fridays for Future: climate strike in Grafinger Stadtpark – Ebersberg

After a long break, the local actors from “Fridays for Future”, the Bund Naturschutz Grafing and other organizations from the district, are calling for a climate strike in the Grafinger Stadtpark on Friday, September 23rd. The demands of the demonstrators have been known for years, but are currently more relevant than ever: it is about saving energy, phasing out fossil fuels and initiating a fundamental turnaround in transport, specifically relieving people with low incomes and helping poorer countries to cope with the consequences of the to support the climate crisis. “The young generation deserves our rethinking,” said the organizers of the demo. It starts in Grafing at 2 p.m. on the Stadtpark meadow.

Not only in Grafing are people taking to the streets this Friday to fight for climate protection, actions are also planned in many other cities – the official website currently lists 251 events in Germany alone. In Munich, a central rally takes place on Königsplatz.

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