Friday: Plant growth in lunar soil, Google supports app developers

Scientists have grown plants in soil samples from the moon for the first time. NASA sees this as a first step towards possible self-sufficiency for astronauts on the Earth satellite. The Google I/O continues to deal with earthly problems such as better support for app developers and more help for the blind and deaf with Android 13. This also includes artificial intelligence. AI methods are already being used to search for illegal content that is harmful to young people on the Internet. The software is slowed down by an all too typical human problem: too much work, too little time – the most important messages in a nutshell.

plants from the earth can theoretically thrive in lunar soil. Corresponding breeds have succeeded scientists from the University of Florida. They used tiny ones to do this rehearsethe the Apollo missions 11, 12 and 17 brought by the moon to have. In this so-called regolith, a weed from the cruciferous family has grown with thorough care. These are not as strong and resistant as usual, but the NASA explains the Lunar soil therefore suitable for plant growthafter scientists succeed in growing vegetation in the lunar soil.

come every week Millions of people online for the first time. Since 2015 it has been over three billion. Your online experience usually begins with one mobile phone. They have no digital experience, fluctuating internet connections and usually little confidence in using their device. They sometimes only recognize the benefits of digital offers to a limited extent. If you ignore these users, you are ignoring a huge marketstressed Google at the Google I/O developer conference: New users are a big market.

At the Google I/O some aspects of the upcoming Android 13 considered that Barriers lowers for users with disabilities as well as for users who are restricted due to the situation. A new accessibility reader will help people with impaired vision to read long texts on the screen. In addition, users have the option of listening to the text in parallel with the reading progress from a computer-generated voice read aloud to permit. All of this happens directly on the end devicewithout a data connection to Google’s servers: Android 13 offers more for the blind and deaf.

For many functions, Google also uses methods of artificial intelligence (AI) and the 14th state media authorities use in Germany AI also, but um violations of law on the Internet to fight. As part of the “follow instead of just delete” initiative, content such as insults and defamation should not only be deleted or blocked, but perpetrators will also be prosecuted will. However, the new software is currently finding more potentially illegal content than it can process: AI finds thousands of illegal and harmful content on the Internet.

A robotwho serves the guests in the restaurant, never forgets an order never impatient and expected no tip. If such robotic waiters can also create a good atmosphere with a few jokes, isn’t it inevitable or even desirable that they gradually displace their human colleagues? No, says philosopher Johanna Seibt at the AAMAS conference. Technological development should be based on values: What do we need social robots for?

The unmanned trimaran Mayflower 400 must be the first Atlantic Crossing one fully autonomous ship interrupt in the second attempt for the time being. Because of a mechanical problem with the “generator” the ship is to be brought to the Azores and examined. Those responsible hope to be able to repair the generator and then resume the Atlantic crossing. The technology provided by IBM for the autonomous pathfinding is not affected: Fully automated ship Mayflower 400 interrupts Atlantic crossing.

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