Friday: Google search with AI for a fee, virtual ban on warnings

Users of the Google search, which has always been free, will soon have to pay for it due to the use of artificial intelligence. That would be the company’s plan. The final decision is still pending, but traditional Internet searches from Google should still be possible without fees. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of websites made Ms. Z. uncomfortable because they shared her data with Google in the US, which is why she demanded money. A victim of the scam turns the tables and issues a virtual ban from the house. Google Group Alphabet, on the other hand, wants to become even bigger and is interested in taking over CRM specialist Hubspot. The company is worth $34 billion on the stock market. It is still unclear whether the Google parent dares to make a higher offer – the most important reports at a glance.


Google could be for its market leading Search engine soon fees require when doing methods generative artificial intelligence (AI) can be used. Since the introduction of Google search in 1997, the company has completely replaced Internet searches with the placement of Ads in search results financed, but that could be through new subscription models change soon. Because now it is reported that the company is considering adding one to its traditional Google search paid AI-supported internet search to offer. Despite the fees, the AI ​​search should continue to display advertising in the results: AI-enhanced Google searches could soon require payment.

Google and its fonts, which are often used on the Internet, are the reason that Eva Z. visited a certain website Carinthian hoteliers no longer call may. This one has that in court virtual equivalent of a house ban obtained against Z. The reason: Ms. Z. contacted the hotelier via email Lawyer’s letter demanding money and threatening to sue harassed because the website supposedly Data protection law violated. That makes her feel unwell, says Ms. Z. Of course, the hotelier doesn’t want that, which is why he has now banned Ms. Z. from accessing his website as a kind of self-protection: After a Google Fonts warning, the hotel is issued a virtual ban on the premises.

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The Google Group Alphabet explores whether it makes sense Offer for Hubspot can lay. It would be the one by far most expensive acquisition in Alphabet’s history. Hubspot is a publicly traded company founded in 2006 for Search Engine Optimization has begun. Hubspot’s portfolio is now significantly broader Software and AI for marketing, as well as customer relationship management, content, and appearances on social networks. The company is indeed not profitablebut generates positive cash flow. In 2023 that was 351 million dollars, almost a million dollars a day. A sale doesn’t seem to be urgently necessary: ​​Alphabet would like to buy Hubspot.

The largest digital camera in the world is finished and will soon be shipped to Chile, where it will form the centerpiece of a high-altitude mountain observatory. The 3000 kg heavy camera called Legacy Survey of Space and Time with a 1.57 m lens astronomical images with a resolution of 3200 megapixels can do. Its sensor field is composed of 201 individual CCD sensors (each with 16 megapixels) and is so precisely constructed that the surface is flat to a tenth of a human hair. The gigantic digital camera will complete night sky take photos again and again within three to four nights: the largest digital camera in the world with 3.2 gigapixels is ready.

Because of the Misconfiguration of a web server stood at the daycare and school app operator Stay informed one Lots of sensitive files open on the internet, possibly even over several years. After it became known serious data leaks Stay Informed GmbH reacted immediately and closed the gap. Because of the data protection law constellation The consequences of the breakdown are particularly severe in this case, because Stay Informed acts as a data processing contractor for daycare centers, schools and other institutions. In the sense of the GDPR are therefore more than Responsible for 11,000 clients. We’ll talk about that in the new episode of c’t data protection podcasts Interpretation 106: Consequences of the Stay Informed data leak.

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