French morale down slightly in January, according to INSEE

Lower morale for the French in this month of January. INSEE explained on Wednesday that households are a little more worried about the evolution of inflation and their standard of living in the coming months. A drop which remains slight all the same, since the indicator which summarizes household confidence stands at 99. One point less than in December, according to INSEE, thus falling below its long-term average which is 100.

In an environment of rising prices and new restrictions imposed in January by the government to combat the spread of the Omicron variant, more households believe that inflation will accelerate in the next twelve months, and fewer many believe that their future standard of living will improve.

At the same time, the proportion of households considering that it is a good time to make major purchases fell in January. On the other hand, the fears of households concerning the evolution of unemployment remain stable, but at a level “well below its long-term average”, underlines INSEE. Perhaps the announcement of the timetable for lifting health restrictions will put some comfort in the hearts of the French.

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