French government: Macron leaves key posts in cabinet unchanged

French government
Macron leaves key posts in cabinet unchanged

Emmanuel Macron is starting his second term in office. Photo: Sven Hoppe/dpa

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After the parliamentary elections, Emmanuel Macron reshuffled his government team. The French President is relying on familiar faces.

French President Emmanuel Macron is leaving the government unchanged in key areas despite his defeat in the general election. As part of his government reshuffle presented on Monday, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne will remain in her post, as the Élysée Palace in Paris announced.

Bruno Le Maire remains Economy and Finance Minister, Gérald Darmanin Interior Minister and Catherine Colonna continues to head the Foreign Ministry. Emergency physician François Braun will be the new Minister of Health.

With the reshuffled government team, Macron, who was re-elected in April, is now entering his second term. In the parliamentary elections two weeks ago, Macron’s center camp lost an absolute majority in parliament. It is now dependent on the support of other groups in the National Assembly. A solid coalition with another party has not yet emerged.


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