French deputies consider Wagner a terrorist, Prigojine hits (again) on the Russian army

Did you miss the latest events on the war in Ukraine? Do not panic, 20 minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

He promised “victory” to his people. More than a year after having launched his army to attack his neighbor whom he accuses of Nazism, and after a series of military failures, Vladimir Putin estimated during a speech in front of hundreds of soldiers on guard you that the world was “at a turning point”, when he participated in the commemorations of the defeat of Nazi Germany on Tuesday.

The military leader of the Wagner group took advantage of this highly symbolic day to attack, once again, the Russian army. In a long diatribe, he denounced the inability of the Russian authorities to defeat Ukraine, even accusing the military hierarchy of wanting to “deceive” the Russian president.

Businessman Evguéni Prigojine, boss of the paramilitary organization, is in open conflict with the Russian military hierarchy, which he accuses of not providing enough ammunition to his group, on the front line in Bakhmout, and multiplies criticism for days.

sentence of the day

At this moment, a negotiation for peace is not possible”

These are the words of Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the UN. In an interview granted Tuesday to the Spanish daily El País, the leader sees “no possibility of immediately obtaining (…) a global ceasefire”.

“It is clear that the [deux] parties are completely committed to the war” and are “convinced that they can win”, added the UN Secretary General. Antonio Guterres, however, says he “hopes” that it will be possible “in the future” to bring Russia and Ukraine to the negotiating table.

The number of the day

1.2. Like the amount, in billions of dollars, of the new aid package released by Washington for kyiv. This new aid reflects “the United States’ determination to continue to support Ukraine by providing it with crucial short-term resources such as air defense systems and munitions” while strengthening its capacity to defend itself “in the longer term. “Said a statement from the Pentagon. This aid will be used in particular to strengthen Ukraine’s air defence.

The trend of the day

The French National Assembly on Tuesday unanimously adopted a resolution calling for the inclusion of the Russian paramilitary group Wagner, accused of abuses in Ukraine and Africa, on the European Union’s list of terrorist organizations.

The text, without binding value, invites the French government “to mobilize diplomatically” so that the EU accedes to this request, which should make it possible to sanction more effectively the members of Wagner and their supporters, in particular on the financial level.

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