Freistaat supports artist campaign for the concert hall in the Werksviertel – Munich

Behind the scenes, critics continue to poke at the state’s large concert hall project at the Ostbahnhof. Suddenly a long-term art project pops up and the state government makes a clear commitment.

The corona crisis also has its good side. When you see her as a cynic. For example, because everyone who regards cultural buildings primarily as “expensive” has now been given their murderous argument: I beg your pardon, now to spend money on a new concert hall? Inconceivable in these times! The treasury is empty! So they cry out with indignation. The nice tax money is needed much more urgently – for the completely legal brokerage of incredibly cheap mask deals with the daughters of former party leaders, for example …

Well, the mood against long-established cultural buildings in the Free State is not quite as disarming, but it does exist. And it even comes from members of the ruling CSU in parliamentary committees. They should be more concerned with the realization than with the prevention of culture, such as the art and science committee. An invitation that popped up in the digital mailboxes on this Monday for the new art campaign “Pictures of a construction site” was therefore all the more positively surprising. With it “artistic perspectives on the future concert hall in the Werksviertel-Mitte will be developed and presented”, and this “in cooperation with the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art”.

An arts project that is already being reflected upon by other artists years before the planned laying of the foundation stone, that really has to come about, right? Well, realistically speaking, the state-owned builder can get out of a number like that more easily than from a contract with the architects. Nonetheless, the whole thing is an unexpected commitment at this point in time. This dedication to a good cause was also underscored by Art Minister Bernd Sibler, who personally kicked off “Pictures of a construction site” came to the Werksviertel. He found absolutely binding words. And looked together with the highly motivated group of artists at the place where the concert hall will one day be. It is still barren and empty. But the music of the future can already be heard there a little louder.

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