Freising: Men found after a chase on the A92 in the corn field – Munich

After a chase on Autobahn 92, two 26-year-olds in Upper Bavaria were searched for with a helicopter and a police dog. As the police announced on Friday, a patrol diverted the men from the Autobahn near Freising because of a traffic check on Thursday. The two then raced back at high speed and daring maneuvers via the A92.

They parked the car in a place near Freising and hid separately in a corn field. With the help of a helicopter and a police dog, officers found the 26-year-old and arrested her.

As it was further said, the passenger paid a fine because of two open arrest warrants. The driver had his blood drawn because he said he had smoked marijuana but refused to take a test. He now has to answer for endangering road traffic and driving without a license.

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