Freddie Mercury: Cat on Instagram looks like the Queen singer

Queen singer
This cat on Instagram looks like a Freddie Mercury lookalike

The mustache is very reminiscent of Queen singer Freddie Mercury

© Izanami and Mostaccioli / Instagram

This cat could also be a rock star: Mostaccioli looks like Queen singer Freddie Mercury – and is therefore a hit on Instagram.

Cat Mostaccioli amazes users with her unusual appearance: inside on Instagram – and especially music fans. Because under the animal’s nose there is a noticeable black strip of fur that looks like a mustache. The cat bears a striking resemblance to Queen singer and rock legend Freddie Mercury.

At least that’s what many of the more than 10,000 followers who have already accumulated on the Instagram account mean. “I heard that she looks just like Freddie Mercury – and it’s really true,” writes one user. “Freddie, is that you?” Someone asks. Another user would like tips on how to get such an impressive mustache himself.

Freddie Mercury was a huge cat fan himself

According to the Daily Mail, Mostaccioli was picked up on the street last year by its current owner, a woman from California, and given up again. Today the pet is one and a half years old. Mostaccioli lives with another cat, Izanami. Both also share the Instagram account. But for some time now, the almost undivided attention there has been given to Mostaccioli. Because of its resemblance to Freddie Mercury, numerous media outlets have reported on the animal.

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Mercury had always cultivated the mustache as his trademark during his music career as a singer with the band Queen. The rock star, who died in 1991, was actually a cat lover himself. He wrote the song “Delilah” about his own favorite cat. Mercury dedicated his solo album “Mr. Bad Guy” to some of the ten cats he is said to have owned in his life. When he was on tour, he is said to have even spoken to the animals on the phone.

Sources:Izanami and Mostaccioli on Instagram / “Daily Mail” / “Vanity Fair”

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