Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft: Second board member after allegations must go – knowledge

Only three months ago, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft parted ways with its long-time President Reimund Neugebauer, and now the Society’s Senate has announced the next change in the Executive Board. In a special meeting on Friday, the committee decided to dismiss Alexander Kurz, Chief Innovation Officer, with immediate effect. In a statement, Senate Chairwoman Hildegard Müller saidthe audits initiated after the termination of the contract with Reimund Neugebauer led to “facts becoming known which the Senate, based on a comprehensive legal examination, also assessed as serious breaches of duty by Prof. Dr. Kurz to the detriment of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft”. .

The Senate of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft also decided to examine claims for damages against Kurz and also against former President Neugebauer “and, if necessary, to enforce them in court”.

In February, the Federal Audit Office (BRH) accused the former Fraunhofer President of inappropriately high expense accounts and other misconduct. It was said in the BRH report: “Overall, there was an inappropriate use of tax funds due to excessive travel, company car and representation costs.” In May, the Fraunhofer Senate elected Holger Hanselka, who had previously headed the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Dresden, as the new President of the Society.

Again daily mirror reported, Neugebauer and Kurz are accused of infidelity. They are said to have agreed a consultant contract for at least 1.1 million euros with an acquaintance. The agreement is also said to have included a promise of employment for a director’s post at the Fraunhofer headquarters. There was no call for bids or a needs assessment for this position.

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