Frankfurt Book Fair: Joana Osman on the Middle East conflict

“The 30-minute shared apartment”
Family history shaped by the Middle East conflict: author Joana Osman in conversation at the Frankfurt Book Fair

Speaking at the Frankfurt Book Fair star and Penguin Randomhouse with prominent authors. Today author Joana Osman, among others, will be speaking about her new book and the Middle East conflict.

Joana Osman is that Daughter of a Palestinian father and a German mother. The author, who was born in 1982, incorporated her complicated family history into her novel “Where the Ghosts Dance.” Fiction and autofiction blur in the work. Osman takes up both the first Arab-Israeli war in 1948 and her own search for clues in Israel seventy years later.

Frankfurt Book Fair: Joana Osman about her difficult family history

Joana Osman will be a guest at the book fair from 1 p.m. In the talk format “The 30-minute shared apartment” by star and Penguin Randomhouse speaks to her star-Editor Catrin Boldebuck. Other guests today are:

  • 1.30 p.m.: Judith Keller talks about her book “Wild Maneuvers”
  • 2 p.m.: Why do people destroy their living space? Tried on that Peter Wohlleben to find an answer
  • 2.30 p.m.: Daniel Wisser is an award-winning author and songwriter. At the book fair he presents his book “0 1 2 (Zero One Two).
  • 3 p.m.: The Middle East conflict is also the topic at the book fair: In Sherko Fatah The book is about a father-daughter story against the background of conflicts
  • 3:30 p.m.: Author Michael Ebert presents his work “Not from this world”.
  • 4 p.m.: star-Editor Doris Schneyink speaks with us Helena Barop and Dr. Gernot Rücker about medicine and drugs

The star broadcasts live from the book fair every day

This is “The 30-Minute Shared Share”: The star and the Penguin Randomhouse publishing group invite 50 authors to “The 30-Minute Shared Share”. We stream the half-hour conversations live from the book fair. Included are Bärbel Schäfer, Désirée Nick and Otto Waalkes. Other guests at the 30-minute book talks include successful authors such as Peter Wohlleben, Terézia Mora and Jan Weiler.

The complete program You will find here.


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