François Hollande casts doubt on a possible candidacy during a meeting with students



France 3

Article written by

H.Pozzo, A.Tribouart, M.Strelkoff, R.Gardeux, M.Kassou – France 3

France Televisions

In its new section, “Second 9”, the editorial staff of 19/20 followed a second class who chose the media option. The topic of the day was: What is that that a president, according to you ? With the visit of François Hollande.

François Hollande does not close the door to a candidacy for the presidential election. The former President of the Republic left doubts hanging over him during a meeting with the second 9 class of the Angela-Davis high school in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis). “At the moment, I am not a candidate. Would an additional candidacy be necessary, I do not think. I have the same ideas as before, I continue to defend them, explained the former President of the Republic, Thursday, January 20.I will speak soon”, he also announced, in this extract broadcast on Sunday, January 23.

François Hollande will make his voice heard as he does on all the subjects that seem important to him!”, explainedstarred at franceinfo its press service, Sunday 23 January. Questioned Monday on RTL on these enigmatic sentences, Anne Hidalgo pointed out that “First of all, François Hollande, whom she sees regularly, has a lot of humor, and I think he showed a lot of humor in front of these second-grade students”, she judged. Next “I’m not here to comment on small sentences, even those of François Hollande”, added the socialist candidate for the presidential election.

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