François Asselineau mocks a “shabby campaign”

The president of the UPR (People’s Republican Union), François Asselineau, candidate for the second time in the presidential election, mocked this Thursday a “shabby campaign” in his eyes, two months from the first round.

“This campaign is pathetic”, he launched on RFI, evoking “subjects” which dominate public debate when they “do not have the necessary interest for a presidential campaign”, according to him.

This fervent supporter of Frexit – France’s exit from the European Union – regretted that more was not addressed in particular “the destruction of our public services, of our family farming, the complete alignment of France with geopolitical interests Americans” or “the industrial relocations that continue”.

A France that should leave the EU

François Asselineau castigated the fact that “France (is) squandering the formidable heritage left to us by Charles de Gaulle”, “a sovereign, independent power, balanced between nations”.

“We have become the auxiliary of American geopolitical interests against Russia and China”, he was moved, speaking of a subject “of extreme gravity”.

According to him, France, “of course”, would do better outside the EU, the euro and NATO, while the European currency “is killing the French economy because it is a overpriced currency.

Regarding his sponsorships, Asselineau said he had “good hope” of collecting the 500 signatures required to run for president in April, even if “it is much more difficult this year” with “a completely delusional system”, according to him.

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