Franck Lavier, acquitted, sent back to court for the rape of his daughter

Seventeen years after the first trial, the shadow of the Outreau case still hangs over French judicial life. Acquitted by the Paris Court of Appeal in 2005, after being sentenced in 2004 to six years in prison for the rape of his stepdaughter and sexual assault on four children by the Assize Court of Saint-Omer, Franck Lavier will be back in the dock.

He will soon be tried before the Pas-de-Calais assizes for acts of “rape and sexual assault” on one of his daughters, then aged between 15 and 16 years, said the prosecutor of the Republic of Boulogne on Saturday. -on-sea Guirec Le Bras,
confirming information from Parisian.

The case began in 2016 with a report from the National Education to the prosecution, “reporting revelations of sexual assault on young C., aged 16,” according to statements from the prosecution to the era. Franck Lavier, now 43 years old, has for his part always contested any aggression against his daughter.

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