Franck Haise: Portrait of the Lensois coach before Lens-Rennes (4th day of Ligue 1) on Eurosport

For those nostalgic for D2 (ex-Ligue 2), its name first takes us back to the mythical multiplexes of the 90s. Passed through Rouen, Laval, Beauvais and Angers, Franck Haise put away his crampons at the end of the season 2003-04 to marry a coaching career. Patiently, the Norman climbed the steps before getting close to the top of the elite (note: Lens is 2nd before the 4th day of Ligue 1): from the U19s in Rennes to RC Lens via Changé, the reserve of Lorient and an interim of two matches in L1 with the Merlus in the fall of 2016.
Coach of the Sang et Or reserve from the summer of 2017, Franck Haise was propelled to the front of the stage in L2 in February 2020 after the dismissal of Philippe Montanier. Two matches (for as many victories) were enough for him to validate the rise: a few days after his induction, the Covid-19 pandemic caused the sudden cessation of the French championship… and the northern club’s rise in Ligue 1 with FC Lorient. Like his team, Franck Haise imposed himself there right away, even offering himself the scalp of PSG for his first in the elite at Bollaert. Unsurprisingly according to the various witnesses who crossed his path.

Franck is unifying, loyal and reliable over time

To understand the success story of the current Lensois technician, you have to go back some thirty years. When he was a player, Franck Haise never admitted defeat… just like his team today. Denis Troch, his former coach in Laval (1995-1997), has not forgotten the grinta of the ex-midfielder who spent left back under his orders.

As much as he is an adorable, helpful and enthusiastic boy off the pitch, Franck was a moth on the green rectangleconfides to us the ex-technician converted as a mental trainer. He knew how to revive the team when it had confidence problems. In addition to his skills as a player, he had this ability to federate a group. He was a real leader of men, not by his banter, but thanks to his attitude towards others but also his jovial and good-natured side. He was the one who organized the parties between the players and the staff. Franck is unifying and reliable over time.”

Even if everything can go very quickly in football, Denis Troch had already perceived the coaching fiber in his former player. “He was interested in workouts. We already exchanged a lotremembers the former coach of Stade Lavallois. Franck is in tune with the times: he is a hard worker, he knows football very well, knows how to federate and he is human. Today, we need all these skills to succeed at the highest level. For him, it’s not something that happened overnight. He cut his teeth, he learned, understood and applied his own football.”

In addition to his coaching skills, the native of Mont-Saint-Aignan (Seine-Maritime) is also recognized for his human qualities. “When he took coaching positions, we saw each other regularly and we discussed management. Franck has become a friend. He’s a very loyal person.insists Denis Troch. At the time of Laval, he had befriended Lilian Nalis, who is now his assistant at Lens.”

After having cut his teeth in the shadows, Franck Haise was inducted in the fall of 2016 in Lorient after the sidelining of Sylvain Ripoll. A draw (at home against Montpellier, 2-2) and a defeat (at Bordeaux, 1-2) later, the temporary Norman was replaced by Bernard Casoni and resumed his ranges with the young people. Before being offered the position of RC Lens reserve coach at the start of the following season.

We wanted to win for him

Passed under his orders during the 2017-2018 financial year, Djibril Diani, the current midfielder of Stade Malherbe Caen, was very marked by the management of the technician. “He had nothing to do in reserve, he was already above and aheadslices the 24-year-old who calls him “top coach“. He made me progress enormously in several areas: technically, on the vision of the game before receiving the ball and to play more easily. He’s a complete trainer.” “Humanly and footballingly speaking, Christophe Galtier and him are a bit identical“, notes Denis Troch.

With young Lensois, Franck Haise knew how to find the right words to get the most out of them. See more. Djibril Diani again: “He is a calm, poised, natural and unfiltered trainer. If he has something to say to you, he will say it to your face without going through the bushhe notes. On the pitch, we had fun and we wanted to win for him. Today, he has remained the same and applies the same method since becoming Lens’ first-team coach..” In addition to human relations, the 51-year-old technician also excels in the tactical aspect.

He is very good at analyzing the game of his players and knowing how to use them well. It is also impressive to read the game of the opponent. When we did video sessions, he immediately captured his weak points. We applied his instructions on the weekend and we easily found the fault“, says the Caen environment.

If Racing Club de Lens was expected to play maintenance when it returned to Ligue 1, the northern team finished seventh twice, flirting with European places and thus approaching the standing of its best years. Currently dolphins of PSG, the Sang et Or make a strong impression in the production of the game, the intensity and especially in their desire to never admit defeat. A philosophy signed by Franck Haise. A coach”unanimously appreciated within the club, whether by the players, the public, the managers or the partners“, confides to us the emblematic former president Gervais Martel.

He remains very humble, makes his team play remarkably well and allows RC Lens to find a super interesting level.. For two and a half years, it’s been flawless. For me, he is one of the best French coaches“, adds the 1998 French champion, who also associates Joseph Oughourlian and Florent Ghisolfi in the return to the forefront of the Sang et Or.The shareholder wet the jersey both literally and figuratively and the sports management is also faultlesshe adds. Everyone works smart and there are the results we know.” A success story that recently turned into contract extension until June 2025 for Franck Haise.

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