France’s youngest candidate wants to “set an example” to his generation

Between two poster collages, the revisions. Nolann Laurent has had a very busy schedule in recent days. Not only does the 18-year-old high school student pass the baccalaureate exams, but he is also campaigning for the legislative elections.

“I have already studied philosophy and economics and social sciences. I still have my last specialty test, History-geography and geopolitics this afternoon (Thursday) and the grand oral on June 27. But that won’t stop me from going to the markets,” explains this resident of Morteau, in Doubs.

It is in this 5th constituency of his department that he decided to run. Something “clicked” came to him the evening the dissolution was announced. “I was shocked and thought it was a crazy opportunity. I will never be 18 again in a legislative election,” says the man who was already very interested in politics. “I love debating, even with teachers. »

So, with a group of friends, he decided to take the plunge and create a movement, “Democratic and Republican Generation” (GDR). “There are around fifteen of us my age, mostly from the area, but we had other young people who joined us thanks to social networks. » He invested his own savings, “3,600 euros from my summer jobs”, to print “500 posters and 90,000 ballot papers”. “It’s a dream to be part of this political world,” smiles the young man with his head and shoulders of course.

“We are capable of committing”

Nolann Laurent presents himself with clear ideas. “I want to set an example for my generation who are often disillusioned. We are capable of committing, we are not afraid and we have the right,” he insists, presenting three main axes of his program. “Already, I would like the right to vote to be authorized from the age of 16, subject to better politicization in college. Next, I think we need national educational reform. We must draw inspiration from Scandinavian models with classes from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and community or sporting activities in the afternoon. finally, I advocate a more participatory democracy, with more referendums and proportional elections. »

+ information on the 2024 legislative elections

Le Doubien, who will notably face the outgoing MP and interim president of the Republicans (LR) Annie Genevard, is not under too many illusions. “I have no claim to be elected. But let the young people follow me! If I make 5%, that would be an achievement and the campaign costs will be refunded. » So the future baccalaureate – “I have to get 5 on each test to get it – undertakes to reimburse the participatory prize pool which he launched to finance his candidacy. Another campaign promise.

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