France would have violated the Minsk protocol by delivering weapons to Ukraine as revealed by Gabriel Attal? It’s wrong

Did Gabriel Attal make a mistake? According to many Internet users, the Minister Delegate, in charge of Public Accounts, would have revealed, during a press conference, crucial information: France has been supplying arms to Ukraine since 2014.

If the video dates from April 13, it has been apparent since Saturday on social networks. Then government spokesperson, Gabriel Attal declared: “Since 2014, and the beginning of this conflict militarily (sic), France has been the first supplier of arms to the Ukrainians. »

Many Internet users denounce a violation of the Minsk Protocol by France. – Screenshot

Crucial information for these Internet users who argue that by revealing it, the minister would have confessed to the violation by France of the Minsk protocol, the agreement signed on September 5, 2014 and intended to end the war in Donbass. Many even see it as an encouragement for continued fighting in eastern Ukraine that would have led to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. But it’s wrong.


The Minsk Protocol was signed by representatives of Ukraine, Russia and insurgents from the “self-proclaimed people’s republics” of Donetsk and Luhansk to end the fighting that had been raging in the east of the country since last month. of February 2014, commonly referred to as the “Donbass war”.

This agreement, formulated by representatives of the two countries as well as those of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), includes twelve points (available on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website). Immediate and bilateral ceasefire, release of hostages, continuation of dialogue, border surveillance, humanitarian situation… these points were intended to ensure a return to a peaceful situation. Only one point, number 10, speaks openly about weapons: “To proceed with the withdrawal from Ukrainian territory of illicit armed formations and military equipment, as well as irregular fighters and mercenaries. »

The twelve initial points of the Minsk Protocol.
The twelve initial points of the Minsk Protocol. – Screenshot / Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Several agreements signed…

After several violations of the ceasefire in the days following the signing of the protocol, a follow-up memorandum was agreed by the parties on September 19, 2014. This one targets more combat and weapons with one point in particular: “ suppression of all heavy weapons in an area of ​​fifteen kilometers behind the line of contact, by each party to the conflict, in order to create a demilitarized zone thirty kilometers wide in all. »

Faced with the failure of these resolutions, a new summit, called Minsk II, was organized in the Belarusian capital in February 2015 in order to continue negotiations. If the measures are confirmed, new, firmer ones appear such as forgiveness and amnesty, the exchange of prisoners or the withdrawal of foreign troops. But nothing new about weapons.

But none prohibits the sale of weapons

Of all these agreements, commonly known as the Minsk Protocol, none prohibits the sale or supply of arms to Ukraine from 2014. France has therefore not violated these agreements, contrary to the allegations shared on the social networks.

These Internet users may be confusing with the sale of advanced military equipment to Russia by France, despite a European embargo, from 2015 to 2020, revealed by an investigation by our colleagues from Disclose last March…

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