France Télévisions apologizes for a humorous column in bad taste

The baptism of fire of comedian Alexandra Pizzagali, this Monday, in Telematin, on France 2, turned into an oven. To such an extent that a tweet posted in the afternoon on the account of France Télévisions indicated that the direction of the antennas of the public service and the teams of the program said “regret that a chronicle with a humorous vocation has come up against deservedly many viewers. »

And to add: “We apologize and express our solidarity with the victims of the Nice attack and their relatives. »

For Alexandra Pizzagali, it had started badly. And then it got worse. At the start of her column, she seemed uncomfortable. And for good reason, the teleprompter on which his text was to scroll did not work. After a moment of hesitation, she explained the problem, hosts and columnists laughed and the atmosphere on set relaxed. For a few moments only.

“Has he made efforts to respect the Highway Code? »

As the Nice attack trial opened this morning, the comedian chose to talk about Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel who killed 85 people on the Promenade des Anglais in 2016, rushing into the crowd at the wheel of his truck. ” [Je ne fais] no effort on the pronunciation of his name, at the same time, has he made any to respect the Highway Code? I don’t think so,” she joked.

She continued in the second degree by “trying to defend” the one she nicknamed “the asshole of the week”. “Lover of salsa and bodybuilding… Forgive me but he looks a lot like my ideal man”, she ventured to advance. The terrorist’s zoophilic tendencies inspired him with this valve: “It’s understandable, in Nice, there are only old women and chihuahuas, we have the right to prefer to send someone who has teeth. »

Each punchline was greeted with on-set silence. The realization did not make any cutting plan on the people present. And Alexandra Pizzagali continued: “He drank alcohol, took drugs, did not fast, ate pork and never prayed. (…) For once, it was the extreme right that must have been disappointed, for once we had a perfect model of integration, he had to mess around. Seconds later, the ad was launched out of the blue.

“We are thinking of you, we are with you body and soul”

According to the comedian, it was not a question of censorship. “The advertisements being scheduled to the minute, they were sent before I could finish my column,” she said in a message posted on Instagram shortly after the live (and before the France Télévisions tweet).

After the pub break, Alexandra Pizzagali was still on set. She expressed herself “in the first degree” by saying her solidarity with the victims of the Nice attack and their loved ones: “We are thinking of you, we are with you body and soul (…) throughout this trial. You deserve to be heard. »

On Instagram, the artist gave an appointment to the public next Monday for his second column in Telematin. “Unless a projo falls on my face a priori it can only be better,” she joked. She did not discuss how her morning jokes were received.

The last time France Télévisions publicly disavowed a comedian linked to its antennas was in December 2017. The public service had sharply deplored that Tex, then host of the Z’amours on France 2, joked, in a C8 program, about violence against women. She had fired him at the same time.

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