France: Man beats a raw egg on the head of right-wing extremist Zemmour

Man hits right-wing extremist Zemmour in the head with a raw egg

Éric Zemmour is the far-right French presidential candidate. Photo: Jeremias Gonzalez/AP/dpa/Archive

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The right-wing extremist French presidential candidate Zemmour recently made disparaging remarks about the inclusion of disabled children. He was now feeling the criticism.

A pensioner smashed a raw egg on the head of far-right French presidential candidate Éric Zemmour in protest.

The 70-year-old was arrested after the incident on Saturday in Moissac, southern France, according to the responsible public prosecutor. Accordingly, the man stated that he acted out of deep disapproval of Zemmour’s statements about disabled children. The retired farmer is the father of an autistic son.

About two months ago, Zemmour spoke out against inclusion efforts and called for children with disabilities to be taught in separate schools. The public prosecutor said that Zemmour’s environment had said that the case should not be reported. However, the pensioner faces a kind of citizenship course.

France will elect a new head of state in two rounds on April 10 and 24. Zemmour is currently third in the polls with 12.5 percent, behind incumbent President Emmanuel Macron with more than 30 percent and right-wing Marine Le Pen with around 18 percent.


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