France Inter establishes its domination, Europe 1 continues to dive

The hearings of Europe 1 do not stop falling. According to the figures from Médiamétrie published this Thursday, the station of the Lagardère group is the red lantern of generalist radios. Over the period from January to early April, it reached a historic low of 3.9% cumulative audience (a score down 1.1 points over one year), for 2.1 million daily listeners .

France Inter is celebrating as it confirms its supremacy with 6.9 million listeners, with a cumulative audience of 12.5%, up 0.2 points compared to the first quarter of 2021. RTL, second in ranking, was able to count on 5.8 million followers and 10.6% of cumulative audience (+0.1 point).

NRJ, queen of music radios

Franceinfo completes the podium by achieving its best score for nineteen years. It increased by one point over one year with 9.9% cumulative audience. The antenna won nearly 600,000 listeners over one year, attracting a total of 5.4 million people.

On the music radio side, NRJ, in fourth position, all stations combined, reached 8.1% of cumulative audience (-0.4 point) ahead of Skyrock, stable at 6.2%, and Nostalgie, which won 0.4 point, with 5.5% cumulative audience.

During the first quarter, 40.17 million French people listened to the radio every day, all stations combined, a stable figure over one year, with some 50,000 additional listeners, but down 670,000 followers compared to the previous audience wave. (November-December 2021). And this despite the electoral campaign, which usually boosts the hearings, and the war in Ukraine.

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