France: Hundreds arrested in renewed riots – Politics

Riots broke out in France on the fifth night after the death of a youth at the hands of a police officer – although there were fewer than before. There were renewed riots, looting and damage to property, particularly in Paris, Marseille and Lyon, but also in Nice and Strasbourg.

In Marseille, police fired tear gas and fought street battles with youths in the city center late into the night. In Paris, the Champs Élysées was cleared by a large police force using tear gas, French media reports. In Nanterre, where the 17-year-old was buried on Saturday afternoon, things had remained quiet.

A total of at least 427 people were arrested, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin wrote on Twitter early this morning. Despite everything, the night was quieter “thanks to the determined action of the law enforcement officers”.

45,000 police officers and thousands of firefighters were deployed

Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne praised the forces: In view of the violence, they showed exemplary courage, she wrote on Twitter. 45,000 police officers and thousands of firefighters were deployed to protect order.

The riots were triggered by the death of a youth at the hands of a police officer on Tuesday. The 17-year-old was stopped in Nanterre at the wheel of a car by a motorcycle patrol. When the young man suddenly drove off, a fatal shot fell from a police officer’s service weapon. The teenager was buried on Saturday. The police officer blamed for his death has been taken into custody. A manslaughter investigation was launched against him.

The incident triggered a wave of violence in France. According to the Interior Ministry, more than 1,300 people were arrested on Saturday night, 406 of them in Paris alone. 79 police officers were injured.

Because of the unrest, President Macron canceled his state visit to Germany on Saturday. It would have been the first state visit by a French president to Germany in 23 years. But the domestic political situation is forcing Macron to stay in France.

Several concerts, fashion shows and other cultural events were also canceled in France. Buses and trams currently only run during the day, and the sale and carrying of fireworks and flammable substances have been banned. However, the government has not yet declared a national emergency, and curfews have only been imposed in small towns.

The Federal Foreign Office updated its travel and safety information on Saturday in view of the riots. Travelers were asked to inform themselves about the respective situation and to avoid large areas of violent riots. In addition, depending on the travel destination, significant restrictions should be taken into account when planning the program, especially in the evening and at night.

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