France drops below 1,500 intensive care patients

This Thursday, French hospitals welcomed 1,439 people in its departments which treat the most serious forms of the disease, against 1,509 on Wednesday. By dropping below the bar of 1,500 Covid-19 patients in intensive care, France has reached its lowest level since the beginning of October, according to data from
Public health France published Thursday. As a reminder, the number of patients in these services had reached a record with 6,001 people on April 26, at the height of the third wave of the epidemic.

The number of daily admissions remains among the lowest of this last wave, with 27 people in the last twenty-four hours. The number of people hospitalized also continues to decline, with 9,392 patients. It had passed the day before below the 10,000 mark, a level not seen since mid-October. Over twenty-four hours, 140 people were hospitalized because of the coronavirus. The disease has killed 45 patients over twenty-four hours in hospital, for a total of 110,935 deaths since the start of the epidemic, more than a year ago.

48.8% of the population received at least one dose

The positivity rate, which measures the proportion of positive cases out of the number of people being tested, is stable at 0.9%. We have recorded 2,007 cases of contamination since the day before.

Since the start of the vaccination campaign, 20,124,046 people (28.9% of the total population) have been fully vaccinated, either with two injections or with a single dose if they have received Janssen, or if they had already been infected previously, according to figures from the Ministry of Health. 32,913,322 people received at least one injection (48.8% of the population and 62.2% of the adult population).

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