France 5 deprograms “(LA)HORDE, revolt in Marseille”, “due to political news”

Friday, France 5 was to broadcast the documentary at 10:40 p.m. (THE)HORDE, Revolt in Marseille. However, in a press release sent to the media this Wednesday, the channel announced its deprogramming “due to current political events and the reserve period linked to the legislative elections”.

Broadcast as part of the “Rebels or the art of hustling” collection, this 50-minute documentary directed by Olivier Lemaire and Raphaël Chatelain follows the creative work of choreographers Marine Brutti, Jonathan Debrouwer and Arthur Harel, during their second mandate at the head of the Ballet national de Marseille where they arrived in 2019.

These three artists, who formed the collective (LA)HORDE, are preparing, with their dancers, the piece Age of Content while the Marseille city “is set ablaze in the riots of the summer of 2023, giving an unexpected echo to their message and the appearance of a real insurrection to their Marseille spectacle”, summarizes the press release.

“Revolted message”

In the press release sent by France 5, (LA)HORDE is described as “fraternal, organic and committed” including “ [le] queer and rebellious message and their polished aesthetic fill the theaters year after year.” This collective “questions the political significance of dance and maps the choreographic forms of popular uprising, whether massive or isolated, from raves to traditional dances”. So many aspects which led the public service to think that the documentary could be suspected of having had an influence on the result of the first round of the legislative elections on Sunday.

Instead of (LA)HORDE, Révolte à Marseille, France 5 will rebroadcast the documentary Patrick Dewaere, my herodirected by Alexandre Moix, with Lola Dewaere.

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